Week 8, Day 2 – All We Can Handle

Well, the reality is that the ones I wanted to begin with were numbers 2 or 3. Then I had to go hmm, so you do not want to write on number 1 why. Well if I write about a secret fear or trouble within myself, then it would no longer be a secret would it. But if I write about it then I have to be honest with myself about it and I can’t keep it in one of those deep dark places where it is safely hidden and has been for a while. So it would be easier to write about what I have and have not done well or the rituals in my life, etc. but if the whole purpose of my doing this is to stir my own waters and move through stuff, then I have to break open the secret vault and not always play it safe. So one of my secret fears is that if I lose weight, ok, let me change that, when I lose weight people might find me attractive and someone might try to abuse me again.
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