October 11, 2018

Today I am grateful for the pain killers which are slowly numbing the pain in my scalp. I am grateful for my wife who runs errands for me. I am grateful for the bank which saved me $10 this morning. I am grateful for what I accomplished yesterday and what I accomplished today. I am grateful for the prayers for healing

October 10, 2018

Today I am grateful for my wife who went out late last night to get me some headache medication. I am grateful for the gift of sleeping in and letting my body rest. I am grateful for the tea which keeps my hands and body warm. I am grateful for my scarves which keep my head warm. I am grateful for the power of the body to heal

October 9, 2018

Today I am grateful to have woken up. I am grateful I have never had a heartattack as a friend did. I am grateful I am not addicted to drugs or alcohol as I know people who are or who died because of their addictions. i am grateful I can still walk and move even if it is challenging and difficult. I am grateful for my doctors who sometimes try harder to keep me healthy then i do, but I am getting better

October 8, 2018

today I am grateful for the plumber who fixed and educated and was fair. I am grateful for our accountant who puts up with our craziness. I am grateful for the music which relaxes Mittens. I am grateful for all that I am getting done today. I am grateful for the friends who remind me to move and walk towards my goal

October 7, 2018

Today I am grateful for my friend Liz who has got me reinspired about my walking. I am grateful I was able to make Gina laugh last night. I am grateful she may be coming up to visit. I am grateful that I started two new self improvement goals today. I am grateful for Zoe who makes me laugh

October 6, 2018

today I am grateful for the ways Zoe and I work together as a team. I am grateful for the love we share. I am grateful for the sounds which tell us something is wrong or in need of attention. I am grateful for the time to rest. I am grateful for those who love and support me

October 5, 2018

today I am grateful that I am allowing my body to rest. I am grateful Zoe could share with me her frustration. I am grateful to be catching up on my grading, 21 more participation sheets to go. I am grateful that Lee seems to have fixed the plumbing problem for free. I am grateful for others recipe creations which inspire me

October 4, 2018

Today I am grateful to be slowly feeling better. I am grateful for all those who have prayed for me. I am grateful for the warm soup and tea which make me feel better I am grateful for the rest which is healing my body. I am grateful for the simple solution to our plumbing problem

October 3, 2018

today I am grateful to have given my body time to rest. I am grateful for Wendy’s support this morning. I am grateful for my ever growing team. I am grateful for the tea and soup which is making me feel better. I am grateful to be slowly catching up on grading, even though I am sick

October 2, 2018

today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the warmth of the extra blanket. I am grateful for the warm foods which seem to melt my insides. I am grateful for those who ask how I am I am grateful for the soups which are coming to me

October 1, 2018

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the quality time with Zoe. I am grateful September is over. I am grateful for a new month and my team being green this month. I am grateful that my team is grateful to have me.

September 29, 2018

Today I am grateful for waking up one more time. I am grateful for having found peace with my hair, at least for now. I am grateful for all I am accomplishing I am grateful for the air fryer Zoe is getting as we speak. I am grateful for the new and positive energy flowing through my team I am grateful for the things I am doing that are for me

September 28, 2018

Today I am grateful to have slept in and gotten some rest. I am grateful for another new team member. I am grateful for finding an awesome power bowl site. i am grateful for the Pampered Chef tools which make my meal prep easier. I am grateful for the grocery delivery company which gives me more work time.

September 27, 2018

Today I am grateful to have woken up again. I am grateful to have quiet today. I am grateful for low glycemic snacks like blueberries. i am grateful for being temporarily caught up on most projects. I am grateful my team will be green in October

September 26, 2018

today i am grateful i have woken up one more time. I am grateful that there are so few things that send me into orbit. I am grateful to be slowly catching up on everything. I am grateful for those who are helping me with my breast cancer project I am grateful for my team being green in October

September 25, 2018

today I am grateful I woke up one more time. I am grateful for not taking zoe’s testiness personally. I am grateful for the sleep I got last night, even though my dreams were strange. I am grateful for the warm grits on a rainy day today. I am grateful for the healthy choices we are making even if zoe is having problems adjusting

September 22, 2018

today I am grateful to have gotten some much needed rest. I am grateful that Zoe and I are committed to helping each other. I am grateful for the abundance of people joining my team. I am grateful for all I have gotten done and all I am getting done. I am grateful for my own washer and dryer.