The most intricate balance of FAMILY,

Each one connected to the others in love's scale of importance

The others all connected to the one the same

Joined together

Dependent on one another

For well-being of the body, soul and spirit!

The greatest example shown being the Body of Messiah, 

All true believers in the Church,

Covenant responsibility compelled by love in faithfulness,

Oneness elevated to such new and majestic heights!

The inner Light of one person reflects to another, and to another

Goodness shared and magnified

Messiah's triumphant character celebrated in worship, 

Encouragement flows from one to another

Even as hands are held in a song

And in prayers;

When one falls, another reaches out and helps up,

True covenant commitment and responsibility!

Parents and children the most intricate, excellent balance

Each one vital to all the others

Whether spoken or shown,

Each one prized in great value of personal needs!

Tears of a new birth flow in joy;

Tears of loss flow in anguish and deep sorrow.