Just say thank you!

So today, I just want to thank my Bubby for teaching me how to seek out the gratitude in all situations. This message has been hitting home for me repeatedly this week. Each day, as you know, I start off the day with five things I am grateful for that day and then before going to be tell Zoe one thing about her I am grateful for or one thing she did for which I give thanks. My Bubby used to tell me that if I could see the positive in any situation, then I am going to be okay. Just say thank you for the gift, she would say. Hmm, I wonder if she said the same thing to Meister Eckhart, or if at least spirit conveyed those same words to him. He once said something similar. He said, “if the only prayer you said in your whole life was “thank you,“ that would suffice.” At the end of each Oneness Blessing gathering, we take a moment to say, “I am blessed, and full of gratitude. Today, my affirmation was “my life is blessed, and I am so grateful.”

Today is yet another one of those days where I feel as I have so much to be grateful for. I have not seen many people, but I have encountered quite a few via social media. I am grateful for my brief encounter with Mary when we decided to cancel qigong practice for tomorrow as most of our regulars are going to pride events this weekend. I am grateful that Katharine is coming into town for a few weeks and that I will get to see her again. I am grateful that Zoe and I were able to work together today to get some decluttering done. I am grateful that Laura called to tell me she and Woody were not coming to dinner tomorrow night. I am grateful that Mary Lou is thinking about coming to see me one day. I am grateful that every encounter I have had with people has been positive. I am grateful for all I have done today and the joy I have found in it.

I have to remember that in each person I met, there is a teachable moment and something I appreciate about him or her. For example, I love Mary’s spirit, how well we work together and how she sees things in me, I do not see in myself. I am grateful for the free time we both gained to do other things when we cancelled the practice for tomorrow. Katharine is wonderful because she inspires me to move through my own boundaries and fears. She inspires me to create products and to be intentional about making Inspiritual grow. Zoe reminds me to slow down and take time to smell the flowers or play a game or take a nap. She reminds me to take care of myself and do what I need to do to take care of myself. Mary Lou reminds that we can feel connected to someone long before we meet them and that we need to release our fears and be intentional about stepping out of our comfort zone. Laura is wonderful because she is so courteous and thoughtful.

Everything I have been blessed with today has been a teachable moment. I am grateful my alarm clock did not go off this morning and that I slept until 10 am because my body needed the sleep. I learned to ask questions and not panic when I thought Sam forgot to get butter at the grocery store. I had just missed him putting it away, while I was putting something else away. Reading my students papers and posts remind me what some of this material was like for me when I was first exposed to it and it keeps me humble. I was reminded of how important it is not to take anything for granted and to say thank you from your heart.

I am grateful for myself. Because I have been with me for 58 years now and I have been through so much with myself and have constantly pushed myself to become the best person I can be. So as I prepare to say thanks to Zoe, I need to remember to thank myself and tell myself how much I love me and how much I appreciate all that I do for me.

Night!  Let’s go get a good night sleep.
