Oh what a beautiful morning!

I wish I could explain what is going on with me energy wise, but I am not sure that I can. All I know is that since December 13 I have woken up with bounds of energy. For the last several days, I have woken up singing Oh What a Beautiful Morning in my head. I have not heard that song for decades, but every morning I have been waking up singing this song in my head and the reality is that each day this week has been amazingly beautiful. Some might say it is because there is a shift in the energy as we move closer to the end of the Mayan calendar. Others might explain it a diversity of ways. All I know is that this is how I am waking up and the attitude that has been prevailing in my spirit. Even the other day when I heard about the mass killing at the elementary school in Connecticut, my joy was not broken. That is not to say I did not feel compassion for those who were involved in this tragic event, I did and am still holding them in prayer. However, my feelings were not an either or but a both and. I felt deep compassion for those who were suffering, but could still appreciate the “bright golden haze on the meadows.”
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Thanks Cousin Bruce

Dear Bruce, I just wanted to thank you for our conversation this past week. You said something that really touched me and got me thinking about how far I have come in my own journey. You talked about my aura and how it drew you to me and how you thought it drew others to me as well. I am not even sure if you will remember saying that or not. I can remember a time when I was probably more Eeyore and feeling like my whole world was woe is me. I had to work so hard on myself to look at how I was practicing a theology of sadness to get to a theology of joy. I had allowed myself to internalize other people’s lies and negativity. It had eaten away at my sense of self and the perception of my relationship with God. I had to remove all this from my spirit and replace them with those things I knew to be true.
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Week 8, Day 6 – Happiness

I have always found these magazine one challenging as I rarely, if ever, have any around the house, but this time I did. Well a few copies of the same magazine. Therefore, here were the article titles on the covers Your total health plan. Stress free simplicity, instant calm, and charge up your health. Then I found one from a different magazine that said pasta pasta pasta. So if I were to choose one article name and write an article about it, I would probably call it either your total happiness plan or happy happy happy! But for whatever reason I am not really feeling either of those titles. And I am not sure I am comfortable saying somebody seems happy. Some people in my life seem happy, but you get them behind closed doors and you find out they are not and are miserable. It’s as if they have this happy make up on
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